Me, Godwin and Weston, his son, at sunset the day before he headed out for an 8 month stint on an oil tanker starting at Suez. Pretty rough to leave his wife and two kids, but in a couple of years they'll have enough to have outfitted themselves quite nicely. His whole family for generations has been in the merchant marine, so they're quite a bit more knowledgeable of the 'outside world' than most. Really wonderful and kind people here, who will quickly take you under their wings and make sure things are ok. When I told Godwin I was having eye trouble, he wouldn't let me go see a local doctor and drove me immediately to the number one eye surgeon in Goa to have it checked out - nothing wanted, nothing asked for, 'his duty as a human being'. Very honestly religious people, who put compassion as number one. Sad for the guests to see him go, and tough on his family (the day after he left their dog - Bingo - was hit by a motorcyclist and ended up with a broken leg).
Tuesday January 24, 2006 - 02:00am (PST)
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