Sunday, March 26, 2006

Entry for January 03, 2006 - Part 1

The picture is of my favorite Jelaybe seller on Pahar Ganj - mmmmm... 10 rupees for a big bag of hot jelaybes. There's been two sellers at this same location since we first came here in the 70's

Spent the last couple of days doing a lot of walking around and having a good time. Finally connected with Jai, but just had to have a nice conversation with him, as they're pretty locked in to family stuff. I'm sure they'll have a good time, but hope they get to 'drive' their own trip. Been meeting interesting people - a guy from Vancouver, originally from Israel, here for some months to learn yoga (he's also 55, born 7 days afer me, and today, as I sat having coffee with some Kashmiri rug merchants (actually a fun interaction), met a woman just starting studying Hindi here for her PhD in Art History. Turned out she's Canadian... from BC... from Victoria... from Fernwood... who used to live up the road from us (6 years ago) next to Barb B's!!!!. Talk about weird. She wanted to go the Jama Masjid mosque in old Delhi, but was a bit concerned on her own, so I ended up spending the day being her escort there, to the Red Fort, and showing her how to use the new Delhi 'Metro' and Pahar Ganj. At the Red Fort another woman attached herself to us, as she was traveling with her daughter and was being quite hassled. I've got my train ticket to Gwalior for 6 am Wednesday, getting in at 9:30pm. The journeying begins. The next few blogs are of night time pics around Pahar Ganj.
Another jelaybe seller next door.

 Tuesday January 3, 2006 - 08:53am (PST)

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